appid open

Open an application access ID on the HSM to allow your applications to use it to access the HSM. Application IDs are assigned as a way of sharing login state among multiple processes. AppIDs require two 4-byte/32-bit unsigned integers, one designated "major" and the other designated "minor". For a full description of application IDs, see Application IDs in the SDK Reference Guide.

NOTE   If you are concerned that an unauthorized process might be able to take over a login state, then you can use large, difficult-to-guess numbers for the major and minor appids. If this is not a concern, or for use in a development lab, you can use any arbitrary, conveniently small integers.


appid open -major <value> -minor <value>

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-major <value> -ma The major appid.
-minor <value> -mi The minor appid.


lunacm:> appid open -major 1 -minor 40

Command Result : No Error