audit time sync

Synchronize the HSM time to the host time. Use this command to have the HSM adjust its time to match that of the host computer. This is especially useful when the host computer is synchronized by NTP, or by local drift correction. Among other benefits, this ensures that the log times of HSM events coincide with file creation and update events in the host file system. Use the audit time get command to determine whether a 'sync' is needed.

NOTE   The audit commands appear only when LunaCM's active slot is set to the administrative partition.


audit time sync [-force]

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-force -f Forces the action, bypassing prompts; useful for scripting.


lunacm:>audit time sync

        The HSM clock will be synchronized with the HOST clock.
        Are you sure you wish to continue?
        Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now ->proceed
HSM time was synchronized to HOST  

Command Result : No Error

Example with "force" option

lunacm:>audit time sync -force
HSM time was synchronized to HOST  

Command Result : No Error