About the Administration Guide

This document describes the operational and administrative tasks you can perform to maintain the functionality and efficiency of your HSMs. It contains the following chapters:

>Audit Logging

>Backup and Restore

>Capabilities and Policies

>Configuration File Summary

>Decommissioning, Zeroizing, Re-imaging, or Resetting an HSM to Factory Conditions

>High-Availability Groups

>HSM Initialization

>HSM Status Values

>Keys In Hardware vs. Private Key Export


>PED Authentication

>Performance Monitoring

>Security Effects of Administrative Actions

>Secure Transport Mode

>Slot Numbering and Behavior

>SNMP Monitoring

>Tamper Events


>Updates and Upgrades

>Users and Roles

This preface also includes the following information about this document:

>Customer Release Notes


>Document Conventions

>Support Contacts

For information regarding the document status and revision history, see Document Information.