service list

Lists the services that the user can start, stop, restart, or for which the user can request status information.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:





service list


lunash:>service list
   The following are valid luna SA service names:
      cbs       - HSM callback service
      lsta      - Luna SNMP trap agent service
      network   - Network service (Needed for ntls, ssh and scp)
      ntls      - Network trust link service
      ntp       - Network time protocol service
      snmp      - SNMP agent service
      ssh       - Secure shell service (Needed for ssh and scp)
      stc       - Secure trusted channel service
      syslog    - Syslog service
      sysstat   - System status monitoring (controls LCD)
      webserver - REST API service
Command Result : 0 (Success)