partition showpolicies

Displays the partition-level capability and policy settings for the indicated user/application partition, including whether the policy is destructive when it is enabled or disabled (verbose mode). Only policies that the Partition SO can change (the corresponding capability is not set to 0) are included in the output. Include the -exporttemplate option to export the current state of all partition policies to a partition policy template (PPT).

Policy template export is supported for application partitions only

The partition showpolicies -exporttemplate function is not supported for HSM admin partitions.

To export HSM-wide policies from network-connected HSMs, use the LunaSH command hsm showpolicies with the -exporttemplate option.

Multiple sessions and policy changes

If you are running more than one LunaCM session against the same partition, and change a partition policy in one LunaCM session, the policy change is reflected in that session only. You must exit and restart the other LunaCM sessions to display the changed policy settings.


partition showpolicies [-slot <slot>] [-verbose] [-exporttemplate <filepath/filename>]

Argument(s) Short Description
-exporttemplate <filepath/filename> -et

Export the current state of all partition policies to a policy template in the specified location.

-slot <slot>

-s Specifies the slot number for which to display partition policy settings. If no slot is specified, the policies for the currently-active slot are displayed.
-verbose -v Include information that specifies whether the policy is destructive when enabled/disabled.


With -exporttemplate specified

lunacm:> partition showpolicies -exporttemplate /usr/safenet/lunaclient/templates/ParPT
Partition policies for Partition: myPartition1 written to /usr/safenet/lunaclient/templates/ParPT
Command Result : No Error

Normal mode

lunacm:> partition showpolicies
        Partition Capabilities
                 0: Enable private key cloning : 1
                 1: Enable private key wrapping : 1
                 2: Enable private key unwrapping : 1
                 3: Enable private key masking : 0
                 4: Enable secret key cloning : 1
                 5: Enable secret key wrapping : 1
                 6: Enable secret key unwrapping : 1
                 7: Enable secret key masking : 0
                10: Enable multipurpose keys : 1
                11: Enable changing key attributes : 1
                15: Allow failed challenge responses : 1
                16: Enable operation without RSA blinding : 1
                17: Enable signing with non-local keys : 1
                18: Enable raw RSA operations : 1
                20: Max failed user logins allowed : 10
                21: Enable high availability recovery : 1
                22: Enable activation : 1
                23: Enable auto-activation : 1
                25: Minimum pin length (inverted: 255 - min) : 248
                26: Maximum pin length : 255
                28: Enable Key Management Functions : 1
                29: Enable RSA signing without confirmation : 1
                31: Enable private key unmasking : 1
                32: Enable secret key unmasking : 1
                33: Enable RSA PKCS mechanism : 1
                34: Enable CBC-PAD (un)wrap keys of any size : 1
                37: Enable Secure Trusted Channel : 1
                39: Enable  Start/End Date Attributes : 1
        Partition Policies
                 0: Allow private key cloning : 1
                 1: Allow private key wrapping : 0
                 2: Allow private key unwrapping : 1
                 4: Allow secret key cloning : 1
                 5: Allow secret key wrapping : 1
                 6: Allow secret key unwrapping : 1
                10: Allow multipurpose keys : 1
                11: Allow changing key attributes : 1
                15: Ignore failed challenge responses : 1
                16: Operate without RSA blinding : 1
                17: Allow signing with non-local keys : 1
                18: Allow raw RSA operations : 1
                20: Max failed user logins allowed : 10
                21: Allow high availability recovery : 1
                22: Allow activation : 0
                23: Allow auto-activation : 0
                25: Minimum pin length (inverted: 255 - min) : 248
                26: Maximum pin length : 255
                28: Allow Key Management Functions : 1
                29: Perform RSA signing without confirmation : 1
                31: Allow private key unmasking : 1
                32: Allow secret key unmasking : 1
                33: Allow RSA PKCS mechanism : 1
                34: Allow CBC-PAD (un)wrap keys of any size : 1
                37: Force Secure Trusted Channel : 0
                39: Allow Start/End Date Attributes : 0
Command Result : No Error

Verbose mode

lunacm:> partition showpolicies -verbose
        Partition Capabilities
                 0: Enable private key cloning : 1
                 1: Enable private key wrapping : 1
                 2: Enable private key unwrapping : 1
                 3: Enable private key masking : 0
                 4: Enable secret key cloning : 1
                 5: Enable secret key wrapping : 1
                 6: Enable secret key unwrapping : 1
                 7: Enable secret key masking : 0
                10: Enable multipurpose keys : 1
                11: Enable changing key attributes : 1
                15: Allow failed challenge responses : 1
                16: Enable operation without RSA blinding : 1
                17: Enable signing with non-local keys : 1
                18: Enable raw RSA operations : 1
                20: Max failed user logins allowed : 10
                21: Enable high availability recovery : 1
                22: Enable activation : 1
                23: Enable auto-activation : 1
                25: Minimum pin length (inverted: 255 - min) : 248
                26: Maximum pin length : 255
                28: Enable Key Management Functions : 1
                29: Enable RSA signing without confirmation : 1
                31: Enable private key unmasking : 1
                32: Enable secret key unmasking : 1
                33: Enable RSA PKCS mechanism : 1
                34: Enable CBC-PAD (un)wrap keys of any size : 1
                37: Enable Secure Trusted Channel : 1
                39: Enable  Start/End Date Attributes : 1
Partition Policies
 Code Description                                   Value Off-To-On On-To-Off
  0   Allow private key cloning                      On      Yes       No
  1   Allow private key wrapping                     Off     Yes       No
  2   Allow private key unwrapping                   On      No        No
  4   Allow secret key cloning                       On      Yes       No
  5   Allow secret key wrapping                      On      Yes       No
  6   Allow secret key unwrapping                    On      No        No
  10  Allow multipurpose keys                        On      Yes       No
  11  Allow changing key attributes                  On      Yes       No
  15  Ignore failed challenge responses              On      Yes       No
  16  Operate without RSA blinding                   On      Yes       No
  17  Allow signing with non-local keys              On      No        No
  18  Allow raw RSA operations                       On      Yes       No
  20  Max failed user logins allowed                 10      N/A       N/A
  21  Allow high availability recovery               On      No        No
  22  Allow activation                               Off     No        No
  23  Allow auto-activation                          Off     No        No
  25  Minimum pin length (inverted: 255 - min)       248     N/A       N/A
  26  Maximum pin length                             255     N/A       N/A
  28  Allow Key Management Functions                 On      Yes       No
  29  Perform RSA signing without confirmation       On      Yes       No
  31  Allow private key unmasking                    On      No        No
  32  Allow secret key unmasking                     On      No        No
  33  Allow RSA PKCS mechanism                       On      Yes       No
  34  Allow CBC-PAD (un)wrap keys of any size        On      Yes       No
  37  Force Secure Trusted Channel                   Off     No        Yes
  39  Allow Start/End Date Attributes                Off     No        Yes
Command Result : No Error