hsm showinfo

Display HSM-level information.

NOTE   The hsm commands appear only when LunaCM's active slot is set to the administrative partition on a SafeNet Luna PCIe HSM or SafeNet Luna Backup HSM. To access the HSM-level commands on SafeNet Luna Network HSM, use LunaSH (see hsm).


hsm showinfo


lunacm:>hsm showinfo
        Partition Label -> myLuna
        Partition Manufacturer -> Gemalto
        Partition Model -> Luna K7
        Partition Serial Number -> 532018
        Partition Status -> L3 Device
        HSM Part Number -> 808-000048-002
        Token Flags ->
        RPV Initialized -> Yes
        Slot Id -> 103
        Session State -> CKS_RW_PUBLIC_SESSION
        Role Status ->   none logged in
        Token Flags ->
        Partition OUID: 0000000000000000321e0800
        Partition Storage:
                Total Storage Space:  393216
                Used Storage Space:   2292
                Free Storage Space:   390924
                Object Count:         4
                Overhead:             9640
        *** The HSM is NOT in FIPS 140-2 approved operation mode. ***
        Firmware Version -> 7.0.1
        Rollback Firmware Version -> 7.0.1
                Fan 1 Status                            : standby
                Fan 2 Status                            : active
                Battery Voltage                         : 3.093 V
                Battery Warning Threshold Voltage       : 2.750 V
                System Temp                             : 39 deg. C
                System Temperature Warning Threshold    : 75 deg. C
        HSM Storage:
                Total Storage Space:  33554432
                Used Storage Space:   333744
                Free Storage Space:   33220688
                Allowed Partitions:   100
                Number of Partitions: 1
        License Count -> 8
                1. 621000153-000 K7 base configuration
                2. 621010185-003 Key backup via cloning protocol
                3. 621000046-002 Maximum 100 partitions
                4. 621000134-002 Enable 32 megabytes of object storage
                5. 621000135-002 Enable allow decommissioning
                6. 621000021-002 Performance level 15
                7. 621000145-002 Enable PED authentication with M of N
                8. 621010089-002 Enable remote PED capability
Command Result : No Error