
If you are unable to apply an upgrade license from the Thales Licensing Portal (GLP), the table below provides descriptions of possible failure messages (sysconf license apply).

Message Description
Cannot find <filename> The file that you specified containing the license string cannot be found on the HSM appliance. Use lunash:>my file list to see what files are available (my file list).
Cannot find lservrc You should not encounter this message. If you do, please contact Thales Technical Support for assistance.
Invalid licensed feature The license string is corrupted in the feature attribute. Confirm that you saved the license string without modification after activating the upgrade in the GLP.
Invalid licensed feature version The license string is corrupted in the feature version attribute. Confirm that you saved the license string without modification after activating the upgrade in the GLP.
Invalid licensed HSM serial number The license string is for an HSM with a different serial number. Ensure that you transferred the correct license string file to the appliance.
<feature> not licensed for this appliance The license string is for an HSM with a different serial number. Ensure that you transferred the correct license string file to the appliance.
License is already applied The license string matches an entitlement already applied on this HSM appliance.
LUNA_RET_HSM_TAMPERED The HSM is in a tampered state and must be cleared of the tampered state before the upgrade can be applied.
Update Result : 12 (Error detecting HSM) The HSM Security Officer is not logged in.
License is unknown/not available (feature) The HSM appliance software needs to be updated to support a newer feature.
Upgrades not available for this model of HSM Only 750 and 790 models of HSM support upgrades.
Upgrade to <#> partitions not available for this model of HSM Applying the upgrade would exceed the upper limit for the maximum number of partitions on the HSM.
Unable to determine model of HSM You should not encounter this message. If you do, please contact Thales Technical Support for assistance.