vtl haAdmin

NOTE   The HA vtl subcommands are no longer supported, and are disabled. Use LunaCM to create and administer an HA group of application partitions for this Client. See hagroup in the LunaCM Command Reference Guide.

myname@mycomputer:~>vtl haAdmin
Usage: vtl haAdmin (parameters):


Subcommand Description
newGroup Disabled. See LunaCM command hagroup creategroup
deleteGroup Disabled. See LunaCM command hagroup deletegroup.
addMember Disabled. See LunaCM command hagroup addmember.
standbyMembers Disabled. See LunaCM command hagroup addstandby.
removeMember Disabled. See LunaCM command hagroup removemember.
synchronize Disabled. See LunaCM command hagroup synchronize.
recover Disabled. See LunaCM command hagroup recover.
autoRecovery Disabled. See LunaCM command hagroup retry.
HALog Disabled. See LunaCM command hagroup halog.
HAOnly Disabled. See LunaCM command hagroup haonly.
show Disabled. See LunaCM command hagroup listgroups.