clientconfig deploy

Creates a Network Trust Link between the client and a SafeNet Luna PCIe HSM appliance. This command creates a client Private Key and Certificate, and uses scp or pscp to transfer the client and server certificates to each other.

NOTE   If scp or pscp is blocked by a firewall, this command will fail and the certificates must be transferred by other secure means and registered manually.


clientconfig deploy -server <server_IP> -client <client_IP> -partition <partition_name> [-password <password>] [-user <username>] [-regen] [-verbose] [-force]

Argument(s) Shortcut Description

-client <client_IP>

-c The client hostname or IP.
-force -f Force the action without prompting for confirmation.

-partition <partition_name>

-par The name of the partition to be assigned to the client. This partition must be created in advance using LunaSH.

-password <password>

-pw The appliance administrator's password. If this option is not included, you will be prompted for the password. Passwords entered at the prompt are hidden.


-rg Including this option will regenerate and replace the client certificate. This may disrupt connections to other SafeNet Luna PCIe HSM servers.

-server <server_IP>

-n The server hostname or IP.


-v Show more detailed logs during the procedure.

-user <username>


The appliance administrator's username.

Default: admin


lunacm:> clientconfig deploy -server -client -partition par1 -password userpin2 -user admin
Please wait while we set up the connection to the HSM. This may take several minutes...
Last login: Wed Feb 22 10:06:59 2017 from
Luna SA 7.0.0 Command Line Shell - Copyright (c) 2001-2017 SafeNet, Inc. All rights reserved.
Private Key created and written to: C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\cert\client\
Certificate created and written to: C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\cert\client\
New server successfully added to server list.
The following Luna SA Slots/Partitions were found:
Slot    Serial #                Label
====    ================        =====
   0       1238700701510        par0
   1        154438865312
Command Result : No Error