Ending or Switching the Remote PED Connection

PEDserver runs on the Remote PED host until explicitly stopped. PEDclient (running on the SafeNet Luna PCIe HSM host) has a default timeout period of 1800 seconds. If you want to connect to a different Remote PED server, or allow another HSM to use the current server, you must manually break the Remote PED connection.

To end or switch an HSM-initiated connection:

1.Execute the following LunaCM command:

lunacm:>ped disconnect

lunacm:> ped disconnect
        Are you sure you wish to disconnect the remote ped?
        Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now -> proceed
Command Result : No Error

2.You are now able to initiate a connection to a different Remote PED host running PEDserver. You will need to present the orange PED key.

lunacm:>ped connect -ip <PEDserver_IP> -port <port>

NOTE   Running this command does not change the default Remote PED IP/port you may have previously set. If you want this new Remote PED server to be the default, set it using ped set -ip <PEDserver_IP> -port <port>.