pedclient mode assignid

Assigns a PED ID mapping to a specified HSM.


pedclient mode assignid -id <pedid> -id_serialnumber <serial> [-logfilename <filename>] [-loginfo <0 or 1>] [-logwarning <0 or 1>] [-logerror <0 or 1>] [-logtrace <0 or 1>] [-maxlogfilesize <size>] [-locallogger]

Option Description
-id <pedid> Specifies the ID of the PED to be assigned.
-id_serialnumber <serial> Specifies the serial number of the HSM to be linked to the specified PED ID.
-logfilename <filename> Optional. Specifies the log file name to which the logger should log messages.
-loginfo <0 or 1> Optional. Specifies if the logger should log "info" messages. Set to 0 for no, 1 for yes.
-logwarning <0 or 1> Optional. Specifies if the logger should log "warning" messages. Set to 0 for no, 1 for yes.
-logerror <0 or 1> Optional. Specifies if the logger should log "error" messages. Set to 0 for no, 1 for yes.
-logtrace <0 or 1> Optional. Specifies if the logger should log "trace" messages. Set to 0 for no, 1 for yes.
-maxlogfilesize <size> Optional. Specifies the maximum log file size in KB.
-locallogger Optional. Specifies that the Remote PED logger should be used, not the IS logging system.


C:\Program Files\Safenet\LunaClient>pedClient –mode assignid -id 1234 -id_serialnumber 123456789