stc identityshow

Display the following information for the STC client token:

>The client identity name

>The public key SHA1 hash for the client identity

>A list of the partitions registered with the client identity


stc identityshow


lunacm:> stc identityshow
Client Identity Name:          client1
Public Key SHA1 Hash:          d11c9d27884788332124d1417fffa07b8acd0c45
List of Registered Partitions:
 Partition Identity   Partition        Partition Public Key SHA1 Hash
 Label                Serial Number
 par0                 1238700701521    5b198518dbb6146f5a0ee78a8605b24de0191601
 par1                 1238700701522    3525218101b446e830464e3a39bb08bba6d0869c
 par2                 1238700701523    3e486cf08dd502ac8d5d3c6d4b81f4735c72ecec
 par3                 154438865321     440fe709d45ddab5833192d2ef2142a982019a7d
 par4                 154438865322     988d88995e4a336f0a6d0ecee5f91de09598725d
 par5                 154438865323     f4d50c439fe8159778e76c9efdde1cb1ee40dcc0
Command Result : No Error