hagroup haonly

Enable, disable, or display the HA-only mode configuration for the group.

NOTE   This command acts on your applications, either allowing (default) or disallowing (hagroup haonly -enable) the application to see individual HSM partition slots or just the HA group virtual slot, respectively. The command has no effect on administrative tools like LunaCM, where a slot list returns all slots, both actual and virtual.


hagroup haonly {-enable | -disable | -show}

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-enable -e Enable HA Only mode for the current group.
-disable -d Disable HA Only mode for the current group.
-show -s Show the status of HA Only mode for the current group.


lunacm:> hagroup haonly -enable
        "HA Only" has been enabled.
Command Result : No Error
lunacm:> hagroup haonly -show
        This system is configured to show only HA slots.  (HA Only is enabled)
Command Result : No Error