Managing Upgrades on HSM Appliance

This section provides further details and examples for the steps you perform to and as administrator of your SafeNet Luna Network HSM. For brevity, this section uses the term "HSM appliance" in place of the full product name.

Transfer License String to HSM Appliance

Use secure copy (scp) or any equivalent tool to copy license string files to the HSM appliance.

scp 5_partitions_1.lic admin@

Logging in to the HSM

The process to authenticate to the internal HSM in the HSM appliance depends upon the product model. You must authenticate as the HSM Security Officer (SO) to apply partition upgrades. Here is an example for the Luna A7xx model: password-based authentication.

lunash:>hsm login
  Please enter the HSM Administrator password:

If you wish to correlate a license string to a specific HSM, see Getting the HSM Fingerprint.

Applying the Upgrade

The sysconf license apply command upgrades the appliance with an entitlement specified by a license string. The command takes two arguments: a mandatory filename that contains the license string; and a -force option to override the prompt to proceed. The following example shows a 5-partition upgrade.

lunash:>sysconf license apply –filename 5_partitions_1.lic –force
Force option used. Proceed prompt bypassed.
FwUpdate3 Application Version 2.5
SafeNet Firmware/Capability Update Utility
This is a NON-destructive capability update
Update Result : 0 (success)

Command Result : 0 (Success)

Listing Applied Upgrades

You can see what upgrades are applied on the appliance with the sysconf license list command. The output resembles the following example.

lunash:>sysconf license list
#     FEATURE                    VERSION   QUANTITY
1     LUNA_PARTITIONS                1.0         10
2     LUNA_PARTITIONS                1.0         20
3     LUNA_PARTITIONS                1.0         10
Command Result : 0 (Success)

NOTE   The QUANTITY column represents the total number of partitions associated with an upgrade. In the output above: 10 partitions is quantity two, five-pack upgrades; 20 partitions is quantity four, five-pack upgrades.