Return Material Authorization

In the exceptional event that you must return an HSM to Thales, the unit you receive in exchange or receive back will represent the configuration before the failure, meaning the base part number plus any upgrades appearing in ECP as activated for the HSM appliance. Thales’s customer care team will revoke upgrades in ECP on your behalf so that the HSM appliance sent to you has the upgrade(s).


Thales will apply activated upgrades to the repaired HSM appliance. For a repaired HSM appliance, the HSM serial number remains unchanged. You can use the same serial number of the repaired HSM appliance in the ECP portal.


Thales will apply activated upgrades to the replacement HSM appliance. A replacement HSM appliance has a different serial number from the one returned. Be aware that you need to refer to the new serial number for the replacement HSM appliance in the ECP portal.