cmu import

This function:

>Imports X.509 certificates from a file to the token or HSM. The file may include a single DER encoded binary certificate or a CMSS PKCS #7 certificate or certificate set. Either type of certificate can be binary or PEM (base 64) encoded. An optional label can be defined as a function parameter. If omitted, the common name of the certificate subject is chosen as the label.

>Imports a public key onto an HSM partition


cmu import -inputFile=<filename> [-label=<label>] [-pubkey=<keytype>] [-password=<password>] [-slot=<slot#>]

Argument(s) Description
-inputFile=<filename> Defines the name of the file containing the certificate to import.
-label=<label> Defines a label to apply to the imported file. If the file is a certificate, and no label is defined, the Common Name portion of the certificate distinguished name is used instead. If the file is a public key, it can be any text you care to apply.
-pubkey=<keytype>  When the input file is a public key, defines the type of key to be imported. Use lowercase.
-password=<password> The password for the role accessing the current slot, with the current command.  If this is not specified, it is prompted.  
-slot=<slote#> The slot to be acted upon, by the current command.  If this is not specified, it is prompted.  


The following example inputs the public key in secp521r1-pub.pem

cmu import –in secp521r1-pub.pem –label ID3pubkey –pubkey=ecdsa  
Select token
  [0] Token Label: tsb012
  [1] Token Label: txb161
  Enter choice: 1 
Please enter password for token in slot 1 : ******* 

cmu list  
Select token  
  [0] Token Label: tsb012
  [1] Token Label: txb161
  Enter choice: 1 
Please enter password for token in slot 1 : ******* 
handle=235       label=ID3pubkey