
The Config tab contains commands specifically related to the configuration of your appliance.

NOTE   Login to an HSM or partition is not necessary to perform operations on your appliance. However, you are limited to only these operations. Login to an HSM or partition to make full use of the REST API.

Figure 1: Config Tab

The table below defines each command available under the Config tab and lists its corresponding resource.

Command Function Resource
Info Gets the configuration of the web server providing REST API. GET /api/lunasa/webServer/config
Set Config

Sets the configuration of the web server providing REST API.

Appropriately complete the form with the network devices you want to use, threads info, port number, key type, key size, curve name, and your list of ciphers.

PATCH /api/lunasa/webServer/config/
Generate Cert Generates a new certificate. GET /api/lunasa/webServer/config/certificate

Get Cert

Gets attributes of the certificate. POST /api/lunasa/webServer/config/certificate/actions/regenerate
Download CSR Downloads a Certificate Signing Request. GET /api/lunasa/webServer/config/csr
Upload Cert Establishes and accepts the certificate's association with the appliance.