
The Commands tab contains most of the operations you will be performing with the REST API. The Defaults section running along the top contains the HSM and partition serial numbers you entered on the Login tab (seeCommands Tab showing an error on Raw IO). If you wish to use a different HSM or partition, change these values.

Figure 1: Commands Tab showing an error on Raw IO

To perform a command:

1.Specify the HSM or partition you want to operate on by entering its serial number under Defaults.

2.Select the element you want to communicate with (HSM, Partition, or PED).

3.Click any command button to initiate its corresponding resource.

If the query is successful, the Raw IO tab at the bottom will turn green and show you a record of your request and its response. If you are using the Formatted IO tab to track your outputs, you only see the response values.

If you are unsuccessful, the Raw IO tab will turn red and return an error. The Formatted IO tab will fail to populate with defined values, returning an error.


For example, to initialize your HSM:

1.Type the HSM serial number under Defaults.

2.Select the HSM tab.

3.Click Initialize.

The tables below list each command button on the Commands tab. Each command has a short description of what it does as well as its corresponding resource. The resources can be input manually in the Custom IO tab if you become very familiar with them.

NOTE   There are some calls that are not included as buttons in the client. They must be input manually in the Custom IO tab. A complete list of resources you can query with the REST API can be found in the REST API Command Reference documentation.

Commands are grouped below by applicable element. Calls to time-consuming resources are listed under Tasks.






The table below defines commands you can send to your HSM and references their corresponding resources.

Command Function Resource
List Lists all HSMs associated with appliance. GET /api/lunasa/hsms
Info Gets information associated with a specific HSM. GET /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}
Upgrade Firmware Updates HSM firmware to the most recent version. POST /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/firmware/actions/upgrade
Rollback Firmware Downgrades HSM firmware to a previously installed version. POST /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/firmware/actions/rollback
Set Policy Sets a specific HSM policy. PUT /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/policies/{policyid}
Apply Update Applies a specific HSM update. POST /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/updates/{updateid}
Initialize Initializes the HSM. PUT /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/

Removes all partitions and keys from the HSM.

Does not reset HSM policies, erase RPV, or delete Auditor role.

POST /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/actions/zeroize
List Roles Lists all roles associated with the HSM. GET /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/roles
Get Role Gets information associated with a specific HSM role. GET /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/roles/{roleid}
Set Password

Opens a dialog box in which you can set a new HSM role password by following these steps:

1.Complete the form with your new password and old password.

2.Optionally change secret and/or challenge secret associated with a particular HSM or role by changing false to true and specifying HSM serial number and role.

PATCH /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/roles/{roleid}
Factory Reset

Sets the HSM back to its factory default settings.

CAUTION!   Deletes the HSM SO, all users, and all objects.

POST /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/actions/factoryReset


The table below defines commands you can send to your partition and references their corresponding resources.

Command Function Resource
List Lists all partitions associated with the HSM. GET /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/partitions
Info Gets information associated with a specific partition. GET /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/partitions/{partitionid}
Create Creates a partition. POST /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/partitions
Delete Removes a specific partition from the HSM. DELETE /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/partitions/{partitionid}
Set Policy Sets a specific partition policy. PUT /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/partitions/{partitionid}/policies/{policyid}
Delete All Removes all partitions from the HSM. DELETE /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/partitions

Initializes the partition. (Applicable only to PPSO partitions.)

PUT /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/partitions/{partitionid}
Initialize Role Initializes a specified partition role. PUT /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/partitions/{partitionid}/roles/{roleid}
List Roles Lists all roles associated with the partition. GET /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/partitions/{partitionid}/roles
Get Role Gets information associated with a specific partition role. GET /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/partitions/{partitionid}/roles/{roleid}
Set Password

Opens a dialog box in which you can set a new partition role password by following these steps:

1.Complete the form with your new password and old password.

2.Optionally change secret and/or challenge secret associated with a particular HSM, partition, and/or role by changing false to true and specifying HSM serial number, partition serial number, and role.

PATCH /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/partitions/{partitionid}/roles/{roleid}
Create Challenge

Opens a dialog box in which you can create a new challenge for the partition by following these steps:

1.Complete the form with your HSM serial number, partition serial number, and role.

2.Optionally change the default value from true to false to randomize the challenge value.

NOTE   Applies to PED-based partitions

POST /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/partitions/{partitionid}/roles/{roleid}/actions/createChallenge


The table below defines commands you can use with your PED and references their corresponding resources.

Command Function Resource
Connect Connects to a Remote PED. POST /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/peds/{pedid}/actions/connect
Disconnect Disconnects the currently active Remote PED. POST /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/peds/{pedid}/actions/disconnect
Vector Init

1.Initializes a Remote PED Vector (RPV).

2.Creates a new Remote PED Key (RPK).

3.Imprints the RPV onto the HSM and the RPK.

POST /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/peds/{pedid}/actions/vectorInitialize
Vector Erase Erases the Remote PED vector (RPV) from the current HSM. POST /api/lunasa/hsms/{hsmid}/peds/{pedid}/actions/vectorErase


Tasks enable monitoring and administration of REST API resources that may require significant time to complete, such as updating HSM firmware. Rather than block and wait for these actions to complete, the REST API creates tasks to run the resource automatically in the background. Tasked resources return a response immediately and notify you of the status of the action: waiting, running, failed, etc. Because of their time-consuming nature, tasks are grouped separately. The table below defines each command and references its corresponding resource.

Command Function Resource
List Lists all available tasked resources. GET /tasks
Kickstart Starts a waiting task. POST /tasks/{taskid}/actions/start
Result Gets the result and deletes the task. GET /tasks/{taskid}/response
Delete All Deletes all tasks. DELETE /tasks