
The Appliance tab contains appliance-level administration commands. If you can only login to your appliance, and not to an HSM or partition, these are the available operations. If you are able to access an HSM or partition, the HSM and partition serial numbers you entered on the Login tab appear in the Defaults section running along the top (see Appliance Tab showing an error on Formatted IO). If you wish to use a different HSM or partition, change these values.

Figure 1: Appliance Tab showing an error on Formatted IO

To perform a command:

1.Select a basic action you want to perform, or a tab to view other tasks you can launch.

2.Click on a command button to initiate its corresponding resource.

If the query is successful, the Raw IO tab at the bottom will turn green and show you a record of your request and its response. If you are using the Formatted IO tab to track your outputs, you only see the response values.

If you are unsuccessful, the Raw IO tab will turn red and return an error. The Formatted IO tab will fail to populate with defined values, returning an error.

NOTE   Login to an HSM or partition is not necessary to perform operations on your appliance.


For example, if you want to download a Certificate Signing Request (CSR):

1.Select the Config tab.

2.Click Download CSR.

The tables below list each command button you see on the Appliance tab in the client. Each command has a short description of what it does as well as its corresponding resource. The resources can be input manually in the Custom IO tab if you become very familiar with them.

NOTE   There are some calls that are not included as buttons in the client. They must be input manually in the Custom IO tab. A complete list of resources you can query with the REST API can be found in the REST API Command Reference documentation.

Commands are grouped by type:





Reboot Performs a warm restart (reboot) of the appliance, shutting down all running processes in a controlled manner.
Regenerate Certificate Deletes and replaces your certificate with a newly generated one.


The table below defines each Config command and references its corresponding resource.

Command Function Resource
Info Gets configuration information of the web server providing the REST API. GET /api/lunasa/webServer
Set Config Sets the configuration of the web server providing the REST API. Complete the form with the network devices you want to use, threads information, port number, and your list of ciphers. PATCH /api/lunasa/webServer
Get Cert Gets attributes of the certificate. GET /api/lunasa/webServer/certificate
Set Cert Sets the certificate. PATCH /api/lunasa/webServer/certificate
Generate Cert Generates a new certificate. POST /api/lunasa/webServer/certificate/actions/regenerate
Download CSR Downloads a Certificate Signing Request. GET /api/lunasa/webServer/csr
Upload Cert Replaces the current certificate with a given file. PUT /api/lunasa/webServer/certificate


The table below defines each Log command and references its corresponding resource.

Command Function Resource
Download Downloads the logs accumulated on the appliance. GET /api/lunasa/logs

Creates a log record on the appliance and sends it to lunalogs.

POST /api/lunasa/logs