pedserver mode connect

Connects to the appliance by retrieving information (IP address, port, PED Server certificate) from the PED Server configuration file.

If the running mode is legacy, an error is returned. pedserver mode connect is not a valid command for legacy connections.

The connect command will try connecting to the PED Client 20 times before giving up.


pedserver mode connect -name <registered appliance name> [-configfile <filename>] [-logfilename <filename>] [-loginfo <0 or 1>] [-logwarning <0 or 1>] [-logerror <0 or 1>] [-logtrace <0 or 1>] [-maxlogfilesize <size>]

Option Description
-name <registered appliance name>

Specifies the name of the registered appliance to be connected to PED Server.

-configfile <filename> Optional. Specifies which PED Server configuration file to use.
-logfilename <filename> Optional. Specifies the log file name to which the logger should log messages.
-loginfo <0 or 1> Optional. Specifies if the logger should log "info" messages. Set to 0 for no, 1 for yes.
-logwarning <0 or 1> Optional. Specifies if the logger should log "warning" messages. Set to 0 for no, 1 for yes.
-logerror <0 or 1> Optional. Specifies if the logger should log "error" messages. Set to 0 for no, 1 for yes.
-logtrace <0 or 1> Optional. Specifies if the logger should log "trace" messages. Set to 0 for no, 1 for yes.
-maxlogfilesize <size> Optional. Specifies the maximum log file size in KB.


C:\Program Files\Safenet\LunaClient>pedServer –mode connect -name hellohi
>Connecting to Luna SA. Please wait....
>Successfully connected to Luna SA.