
The lunareset utility allows you to reset an HSM that has become unresponsive, without having to reboot the host computer. This command does not affect the contents of the HSM.


Linux lunareset [-F | --function-level-reset] [-h | --help] [-v | --verbose] <dev_path>
Windows lunareset [-h|--help] [-v| --verbose] <dev_path>


Parameter Description
-F | --function-level-reset

Perform a function-level reset. This option resets only a specific function running on the card - it does not reset the entire card.

Note: This option is reserved for use in a future release. Use only under the direction of Technical Support.

-h | --help Display usage instructions for the lunareset command.
-v | --verbose Display additional operating information.

Specify the path to the device you wish to reset, as follows:


>k7pf0 - reset the first Release 7.x SafeNet Luna PCIe HSM installed in the host computer.

>viper0 - reset the first Release 6.x (or earlier) SafeNet Luna PCIe HSM installed in the host computer.

>lunauhd0 - reset the first SafeNet Luna USB HSM installed in the host computer.


>/dev/k7pf0 - reset the first Release 7.x SafeNet Luna PCIe HSM installed in the host computer.

>/dev/viper0 - reset the first Release 6.x (or earlier) SafeNet Luna PCIe HSM installed in the host computer.

>/dev/lunauhd0 - reset the first SafeNet Luna USB HSM installed in the host computer.

NOTE   If you have multiple devices installed in the host computer, you will need to determine the device path before using this command.


LunaCM v7.0.0 - Copyright (c) 2006-2017 Gemalto

        Available HSMs:

        Slot Id ->              0
        Tunnel Slot Id ->       4
        Label ->                mypcie7par
        Serial Number ->        349297122736
        Model ->                Luna k7
        Firmware Version ->     7.0.0
        Configuration ->        Luna User Partition With SO (PED) Signing With Cloning Mode
        Slot Description ->     User Token Slot

        Slot Id ->              1
        Tunnel Slot Id ->       4
        Label ->                mypcie7
        Serial Number ->        150022
        Model ->                K6 Base
        Firmware Version ->     7.0.0
        Configuration ->        Luna HSM Admin Partition (PED) Signing With Cloning Mode
        Slot Description ->     Admin Token Slot
        HSM Configuration ->    Luna HSM Admin Partition (PED)
        HSM Status ->           OK
        Current Slot Id: 0

lunacm:> exit
c:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient> lunareset.exe /dev/k7pf0
c:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient>