cmu getattribute

This function outputs any viewable attributes for an object. An optional output filename can be used to direct the output to a file.


cmu getAttribute <parameters>

Required Parameters

Parameter Description

The handle to the object. The parameter "-handle" is followed by an equal sign "=", followed by the handle of the object (no spaces).

If this parameter is omitted and there is only one object on the HSM, that object is automatically selected. If this parameter is omitted and there are multiple objects on the HSM, you are prompted to select the object.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description

This optional parameter lists the attributes to be displayed for the object as a comma separated list. Multiple instances of this option can also be used to define multiple attributes. If this parameter is omitted, all viewable attributes are displayed.


This optional parameter defines the filename to which the attribute set is written. If this parameter is omitted, the attribute set is written to the display.


The following command outputs all of the viewable attributes for the object with handle 46:

cmu getAttribute -handle=46

The following command outputs the label, public exponent and modulus of key 9 to file keydata.txt:

cmu getAttribute -handle=9 -attribute=label,publicExponent,modulus -outputFile=keydata.txt