Remote System Logging

Remote system logging allows you to send logs from your SafeNet Luna Network HSM to a central syslog server configured on the network.

You can use the LunaSH syslog remotehost {add | delete | list} commands to specify which central syslog server you want to send the SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance logs to.

Configuring a Syslog Server

Most Linux distributions include rsyslog as the standard syslog daemon. Refer to your Linux documentation for instructions that describe how to configure rsyslog on Linux.

NOTE   The remote host must have UDP port 514 open to receive the logging. Refer to the operating system and firewall documentation for your host for more information.

Configuring the Appliance to Send Logs to the Remote Syslog Server

To configure your appliance to send logs to the remote syslog server:

1.On the SSafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance, run the following command: 

lunash:>syslog remotehost add <target_collector_IP_or_hostname>

2. On the receiving or target system, start the syslog daemon or service to allow it to receive the logs from your SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance(s).