token pki predeploy

NOTE   PKI mode is no longer supported and these commands have been deprecated.

Initialize a G5 HSM/token for use as a PKI device in SafeNet Luna Network HSM. This command prepares the token to be recognized and deployed.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:




token pki predeploy -label <tokenlabel> -serial <serialnum> [-force]

Option Shortcut Description
-force -f

Force the action without prompting.

-label <tokenlabel> -l Specifies the name of the inserted token to pre-deploy.
-serial <serialnum> -s Specifies the serial number of the token to pre-deploy.


lunash:> token pki predeploy -label myPKI -serial 777199 -force

Please type "proceed" to continue, anything else to abort: proceed
*                                          *
*     About to factory Reset the HSM       *
*                                          *
*                                          *
*   About to initialize the HSM            *
*   Please pay attention to the PED        *
*                                          *
Do you want to use FIPS-approved algorithms and key strengths only (yes or no)? yes
*                                          *
*   About to change the HSM FIPS policy    *
*   Please pay attention to the PED        *
*                                          *
*                                          *
*   About to create a partition on the HSM *
*   Please pay attention to the PED        *
*                                          *
*                                          *
*   About to set the partition policies    *
*   Please pay attention to the PED        *
*                                          *
*                                          *
*   About to create a partition challenge  *
*   and activate the partition.            *
*   Please pay attention to the PED        *
*   Please write down the PED secret!      *
*                                          *
Please enter the partition challenge:       

        Please attend to the PED. 
Success predeploying the token!!
Command Result : 0 (Success)