syslog severity set

Set the log service severity threshold for events to be logged.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:



syslog severity set -logname <logname> -loglevel <loglevel>

Option Shortcut Description
-loglevel <loglevel> -logl

Specifies the severity level of the log messages to include in the logs.

Valid values:emergency,alert,critical,crit,error,err,warning,warn,notice,info,debug

Note: These values are arranged from those which produce the fewest log entries to those which produce the most log entries.

-logname <logname> -logn The name of the log file to which you want to apply severity levels. Only lunalogs can have severity levels applied.


lunash:>syslog severity set -logname lunalogs -loglevel crit
This command sets the severity level of log messages.
Only messages with the severity of higher than or equal to the new
log level: "error" will be logged.
You must restart syslog using the "service restart syslog" command for
the changes to take effect.
Command Result : 0 (Success)