sysconf snmp notification add

Add a single notification destination to be notified via the SNMP service.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:




sysconf snmp notification add -ipaddress <ipaddress> -authpassword <password> -privpassword <password> -secname <userid> [-authprotocol <protocol>] [-notifytype {trap | inform}] [-privprotocol <protocol>] [-udpport <port>] [-engineid <engineid>]

Option Shortcut Description
-authpassword <password> -authpa Specifies the authentication password. The password may be 8-to-128 characters long.
-authprotocol <protocol> -authpr

Specifies the authentication protocol.

Valid values: SHA

Default: SHA

-engineid <engineid> -e Specifies the SNMP v3 Engine ID in hex numbers. No 0x or 0X is permitted.
-ipaddress <ipaddress> -i Specifies the IPv4 address of the destination (a machine running snmptrapd from Net-SNMP or some other SNMP management application, such as MG-Soft's MIB Browser or HP's Openview.)
-notifytype <type> -n

Specifies the notification type.

Valid values:

trap: one-way unconfirmed notification

inform: confirmed notification with retries

Default: trap

-privpassword <password> -privpa Specifies the privacy password or encryption password. The password may be 8-to-128 characters long.
-privprotocol <protocol> -privpr Specifies the AES privacy protocol.
-secname <userid> -s Specifies the security name or user name for this user. The user name may be 1-to-31 characters. In the context of notifications this is the "Security Name" on whose behalf notifications are sent.
-udpport <port> -u

Specifies the UDP port on the notification target host to which notifications are sent. 162 is the SNMP default port for notifications.

Default: 162


lunash:>sysconf snmp notification add -ipaddress -authpassword authPa$$w0rd -privpassword privPa$$w0rd -secname admin -engineid 0029403200
SNMP notification target information added
Command Result : 0 (Success)