sysconf ntp autokeyauth

Access commands that allow you to configure Autokey NTP server authenticaton.

When you add a trusted NTP server, SafeNet Luna Network HSM and the server negotiate, exchange certificates, and so on. You can optionally choose to use AutoKey to authenticate your connection. Additionally, if using AutoKey, you can optionally choose to use one of the supported identity schemes, IFF (Identify Friend or Foe), GQ (Guillou-Quisguater), or MV (Mu-Varadharajan), or by default none of those schemes, and just exchange private certificates.


sysconf ntp autokeyauth


Option Shortcut Description
clear c Delete all keys and certificates. See sysconf ntp autokeyauth clear.
generate g Generate client keys and certificates (required to use AutoKey). See sysconf ntp autokeyauth generate.
install i

Install Autokey Identity Scheme IFF|GQ|MV (optional). See sysconf ntp autokeyauth install.

list l

Show Autokey keys and certificates. sysconf ntp autokeyauth list.

update u Update client certificates (a certificate usually has a ttl of one year, after which you must update to renew). sysconf ntp autokeyauth update.