sysconf config show

Shows the system information of a configuration backup file.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:





sysconf config show -file <filename>

Option Shortcut Description
-file <filename> -f File name


lunash:>sysconf config show -file local_host_Config_20170301_1200.tar.gz
System information when this backup was created:
hostname: local_host
eth0 IP Address:
eth1 IP Address:
eth2 IP Address:
eth3 IP Address:
Software Version: Luna SA 7.0.0-880 [Build Time: 20170228 12:16]
HSM Firmware Version: 7.0.1
HSM Serial Number: 66331
uptime:  12:00:07 up 20:00,  1 user,  load average: 0.31, 0.28, 0.25
Current time: Wed Mar  1 12:00:07 EST 2017
Description: Configuration Backup 17-03-01
Command Result : 0 (Success)