sysconf config export

Exports a configuration backup file from the file system to the internal HSM, or to an external backup token.This command overwrites the existing configuration file with the same name.

-serialNumber is required if -deviceType is "token" and optional if -deviceType is "hsm".

SO login is required before running this command if -deviceType is "hsm" or "token".

The maximum size of configuration files being exported to the internal HSM is 64 KB. The SafeNet Luna Network HSM's Admin/SO partition has a maximum capacity of 384 KB.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:



sysconf config export -file <filename> [-devicetype <devicetype>] [-serialnumber <serialnum>] [-force]

Option Shortcut Description
-devicetype <devicetype> -d Device Type (hsm, token)
-file <filename> -fi File Name to delete
-force -fo Force Action (no prompting for confirmation)
-serialnumber <serialnum> -s Token Serial Number


lunash:>sysconf config export -file local_host_Config_20170301_1212.tar.gz -devicetype hsm -serialnumber 66331
WARNING !!  This command exports the configuration backup file: local_host_Config_20170301_1212.tar.gz to the hsm.
It will overwrite the existing configuration file with the same name on the hsm.
If you are sure that you wish to proceed, then type 'proceed', otherwise type 'quit'.
> proceed
Command Result : 0 (Success)