sysconf banner add

Add a custom text banner that is displayed when administrative users connect and log into the appliance. The text is initially obtained from a file. The file must already have been uploaded to the appliance's admin user, via scp/pscp.

Only the "admin" user can perform this operation. The command is not available to "operator".

A single extended banner is set for all users who log in; it is not possible to set different banners for different users or classes of users.

Use the command user file list to view available files and verify the name of the desired banner file.  

The banner file size is limited to 8KB.   

The banner filename is limited to characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '.', '-' or '_'.

For the banner text within the file, only standard ASCII characters are accepted (characters between 0 and 127 in ).

You must be logged into the HSM before issuing the command sysconf banner add.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:



sysconf banner add -file <filename>

Option Shortcut Description
-file <filename> -f Banner text file name.


lunash:>my file list
   273 Mar  1 11:42 banner1.txt
   515 Mar  1 10:57
133913 Feb 28 15:59 supportInfo.txt
  4330 Feb 28 15:07 firstboot.log
Command Result : 0 (Success)
lunash:>sysconf banner add -file banner1.txt
Command Result : 0 (Success)
login as: admin
admin@'s password:
Last login: Wed Mar  1 10:36:40 2017 from
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