stc partition export

Export the specified partition's public key to a file. You must be logged in to the partition as the SO to perform this command.

NOTE   If the HSM is zeroized while STC is enabled, the STC link between LunaSH and the admin partition will no longer authenticate, since the admin partition identity no longer exists. If this occurs, you will be unable to log into, or initialize, the HSM. To recover from this state, run the stc partition export command without any parameters. When you run the command, a new identity is created for the admin partition, and the new admin partition public key is exported to the default directory. This will restore the STC link between LunaSH and the admin partition, allowing you to re-initialize the HSM. You can only run this command, while not logged into the HSM, if the HSM is zeroized.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:




stc partition export -partition <partition_name>

Option Shortcut Description
-partition <partition_name>
-p Specifies the name of the partition whose public key you want to export.


lunash:>stc partition export -partition partition2
Successfully exported partition identity for partition partition2 to file:
Command Result : 0 (Success)