stc hmac enable

Enable the use of an HMAC message digest algorithm for message integrity verification on an STC link. The HMAC algorithm that is both enabled and that offers the highest level of security is used. For example, if SHA 256 and SHA 512 are enabled, SHA 512 is used. You can use the command stc hmac show to show which HMAC message digest algorithms are currently enabled/disabled.

NOTE   All STC links use message integrity verification, so at least one HMAC algorithm must be enabled.

You must be logged in as the HSM SO to use this command.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:




stc hmac enable -partition <partition_name> -id <hmac_id>

Option Shortcut Description
-partition <partition_name>


Specifies the partition for which you want to enable the HMAC algorithm.
-id <hmac_id> -i Specifies the numerical identifier of the HMAC algorithm you want to enable, as listed using the command stc hmac show.


lunash:>stc hmac enable -partition partition2 -id 1
HMAC with SHA 512 Bit is now enabled.
Command Result : 0 (Success)