partition resize

Resizes the storage space of the named partition.

You must be logged into the HSM administrative partition to run this command.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:




partition resize -partition <name> [-size <bytes>] [-allfreestorage] [-force]

Option Shortcut Description
-allfreestorage -a Resize this partition using all the remaining, unused storage space on the HSM. After creating or resizing a partition with this option, you cannot create another without first deleting or resizing partitions to regain some space.
-force -f Force the action without prompting.
-partition <name> -p Specifies the name of the partition.
-size <bytes> -s Specifies the size, in bytes, to allocate to the partition, from the remaining storage available on the HSM. If you specify a size (rather than the other option, -allfreestorage), the HSM attempts to use it after calculating overhead requirements that consider your purchased options for number of partitions and total storage remaining on the HSM.


lunash:>partition show
   Partition Name:                            partition1
   Partition SN:                              154438865289
   Partition Label:                           jon
   Partition SO     PIN To Be Changed:        no
   Partition SO     Zeroized:                 no
   Partition SO     Login Attempts Left:      10
   Crypto Officer   PIN To Be Changed:        no
   Crypto Officer   Locked Out:               no
   Crypto Officer   Login Attempts Left:      10
   Crypto User      PIN To Be Changed:        no
   Crypto User      Locked Out:               no
   Crypto User      Login Attempts Left:      10
   Legacy Domain Has Been Set:                no
   Partition Storage Information (Bytes):     Total=324096, Used=1232, Free=322864
   Partition Object Count:                    6
Command Result : 0 (Success)
lunash:>partition resize -partition partition1 -size 150000
'partition resize' successful.
Command Result : 0 (Success)
lunash:>partition show
   Partition Name:                            partition1
   Partition SN:                              154438865289
   Partition Label:                           jon
   Partition SO     PIN To Be Changed:        no
   Partition SO     Zeroized:                 no
   Partition SO     Login Attempts Left:      10
   Crypto Officer   PIN To Be Changed:        no
   Crypto Officer   Locked Out:               no
   Crypto Officer   Login Attempts Left:      10
   Crypto User      PIN To Be Changed:        no
   Crypto User      Locked Out:               no
   Crypto User      Login Attempts Left:      10
   Legacy Domain Has Been Set:                no
   Partition Storage Information (Bytes):     Total=150000, Used=1232, Free=148768
   Partition Object Count:                    6
Command Result : 0 (Success)