ntls threads set

Configure the datapath and command processor threads for the NTLS service.

NOTE   You must configure each member of an HA group to use the same settings. Failure to do so may result in unexpected behavior.

Determining the optimal number of threads for your environment and use cases

The default settings provide optimal performance for the majority of use cases. Increasing the number of threads does not necessarily increase throughput. The higher the number, the more task switching occurs within the process - this is the major trade-off that limits the number of threads that can provide optimum performance.

If you experience performance or latency issues, you may need to experiment with different settings to determine the combination that provides the best performance and latency figures in your environment. It is recommended that you do not change these settings without first consulting with Gemalto Support.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:




ntls threads set [-datapath <number>] [-cmdprocessor <number>]

Option Shortcut Description
-cmdprocessor <number> -c

Specifies the number of threads used in the command processor to submit HSM requests to the HSM key card inside the appliance. The default value provides optimal performance for the majority of applications. Changing this value from the default may result in lower maximum throughput of some crypto operations, such as RSA Sign.

Range: 1 to 70

Default: 20

-datapath <number> -d

Specifies the number of worker thread pairs used to process inbound and outbound socket events. In practical terms, this value specifies the number of different NTLS clients, from different sockets, that the data path can support in parallel. You may need to increase this value if NTLS must service a high number of client connections.

Range: 1 to 15

Default: 5


lunash:>ntls threads set -cmdprocessor 40 -datapath 10
NOTICE: The NTLS and STCD services must be restarted for new settings to take effect.
Command Result : 0 (Success)