ntls tcp_keepalive set

Configure the NTLS TCP keep alive settings.  


TCPKeepAlive is a TCP stack option, available at the LunaClient, and at the SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance. For SafeNet purposes, it is controlled via an entry in the Chrystoki.conf /crystoki.ini file on the LunaClient, and in an equivalent file on SafeNet Luna Network HSM. For SafeNet Luna HSM 6.1 and newer, a fresh client software installation includes an entry "TCPKeepAlive=1" in the "LunaSA Client" section of the configuration file Chrystoki.conf (Linux/UNIX) or crystoki.ini (Windows). Config files and certificates are normally preserved through an uninstall, unless you explicitly delete them.

As such, if you update (install) LunaClient software where you previously had an older LunaClient that did not have a TCPKeepAlive entry, one is added and set to "1" (enabled), by default. In the case of update, if TCPKeepAlive is already defined in the configuration file, then your existing setting (enabled or disabled) is preserved.

On the SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance, where you do not have direct access to the file system, the TCPKeepAlive= setting is controlled by the LunaSH command ntls tcp_keepalive set.

The settings at the appliance and the client are independent. This allows a level of assurance, in case (for example) a firewall setting blocks in one direction.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:




ntls tcp_keepalive set -idle <seconds> -interval <seconds> -probes <number>

Option Shortcut Description
-idle <seconds> -id

Specifies the TCP keep alive idle timer, in seconds. This is the initial wait until a keep alive is issued. Recommended value is 200.

Range: 10 to 10,000

Default: 10

-interval <seconds> -in

Specifies the TCP keep alive interval time, in seconds.   This is the duration between any two successive keep alive transmissions. Recommended value is 150.

Range: 10 to 360

Default: 10

-probes <number> -p

Specifies the number of retries to attempt if a transmission is not acknowledged. Recommended value is 15.

Range: 1 to 30

Default: 2

NOTE   The default values are simply starting points intended to keep the feature "out of the way" until you configure for your particular network conditions. The recommended values are conservative, and address a common situation where a flurry of network activity might allow the probe count to be reached before the acknowledgment packets are able to return to the HSM appliance, which would cause the appliance to reset the connection.


lunash:>ntls tcp_keepalive set -idle 200 -interval 150 -probes 15
NOTICE: The NTLS service must be restarted for new settings to take effect.
Command Result : 0 (Success)