hsm stc

Access the HSM STC-level commands. Use these commands to configure and manage the secure trusted channel (STC) admin channel. The STC admin channel is local to the appliance, and is used to transmit data between the local services and applications running on the appliance (such as LunaSH, NTLS, and the STC service) and the HSM SO partition.


hsm stc


Option Shortcut Description
activationtimeout a Set and display the activation timeout for an STC link. See hsm stc activationtimeout.
cipher ci Enable, disable, and show the use of a symmetric encryption cipher algorithm for data encryption on the link. See hsm stc cipher.
disable d Disable the secure trusted channel (STC) link that is local to the appliance, that is, from the LunaSH shell to the HSM SO partition. See hsm stc disable.
enable e Establish a local secure trusted channel (STC) link from the LunaSH shell to the HSM SO partition, and set all the local HSM-related applications in the appliance to communicate to the HSM via this STC link. See hsm stc enable.
hmac h

Enable, disable, and display the use of an HMAC message digest algorithm for message integrity verification on the secure trusted channel (STC) link that is local to the appliance, that is, from the LunaSH shell to the HSM. See hsm stc hmac.

identity i Manage the HSM SO client identity for the LunaSH STC client token. See hsm stc identity
partition p Export the specified partition's public key to a file, or display that public key. See hsm stc partition.
rekeythreshold rek Set or display the key life for the symmetric key used to encrypt data on the STC link for the specified partition. See hsm stc rekeythreshold.
status s Display status and configuration information for an STC link. See hsm stc status.