hsm show

Display a list showing the current configuration of the HSM.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:





hsm show


HSM is in a non-zeroized state
lunash:>hsm show
Appliance Details:
Software Version:                   7.1.0-380
HSM Details: 
HSM Label:                          myluna 
Serial #:                           700022 
Firmware                            7.1.0 
HSM Model:                          Luna K7
HSM Part Number:                    808-000048-002
Authentication Method:              PED Keys 
HSM Admin login status:             Logged In 
HSM Admin login attempts left:      3 before HSM zeroization! 
RPV Initialized:                    Yes 
Audit Role Initialized:             Yes 
Remote Login Initialized:           Yes 
Manually Zeroized:                  No 
Secure Transport Mode:              No 
HSM Tamper State:                   No tampers
Partitions created on HSM: 
Partition:         700022008, Name: P1
FIPS 140-2 Operation
The HSM is NOT in FIPS 140-2 approved operation mode.
HSM Storage Information: 
Maximum HSM Storage Space (Bytes):   2097152
Space In Use (Bytes):                2097152
Free Space Left (Bytes):             0
Environmental Information on HSM:
Battery Voltage:                     3.093 V
Battery Warning Threshold Voltage:   2.750 V
System Temp:                         35 deg. C
System Temp Warning Threshold:       75 deg. C
Command Result : 0 (Success)
HSM is in a zeroized state
lunash:>hsm show
Appliance Details: 
Software Version:  7.0.1-380
HSM Details: 
HSM Label:                          no label 
Serial #:                           700022 
Firmware                            7.1.0 
HSM Model:                          Luna K7 
HSM Part Number:                    808-000048-002
Authentication Method:              PED Keys 
HSM Admin login status:             Not Logged In 
HSM Admin login attempts left:      HSM is zeroized! 
Audit Role Initialized:             Yes 
RPV Initialized:                    Yes 
Manually Zeroized:                  Yes 
Secure Transport Mode:              No
HSM Tamper State:                   No tampers
Partitions created on HSM: 	
There are no partitions 	 
FIPS 140-2 Operation
The HSM is NOT in FIPS 140-2 approved operation mode.
HSM Storage Information: 	
Maximum HSM Storage Space (Bytes): 	2097152 
Space In Use (Bytes): 	                0 
Free Space Left (Bytes): 	        2097152 
Environmental Information on HSM:
Battery Voltage:                     3.093 V
Battery Warning Threshold Voltage:   2.750 V
System Temp:                         35 deg. C
System Temp Warning Threshold:       75 deg. C
Command Result : 0 (Success)
HSM is in a tamper state
lunash:>hsm show
Appliance Details:
Software Version:                   7.1.0-380
HSM Details:
HSM Label:                          lunasa7
Serial #:                           29089
Firmware:                           7.1.0
HSM Model:                          Luna K7
HSM Part Number: 		    808-000048-002
Authentication Method:              Password
HSM Admin login status:             Not Logged In
HSM Admin login attempts left:      3 before HSM zeroization!
RPV Initialized:                    No
Audit Role Initialized:             No
Remote Login Initialized:           No
Manually Zeroized:                  No
Secure Transport Mode:              No
HSM Tamper State:                   Tamper(s) detected
Partitions created on HSM:
There are no partitions.
Number of partitions allowed:        100
Number of partitions created:        0
FIPS 140-2 Operation:
The HSM is NOT in FIPS 140-2 approved operation mode.
HSM Storage Information:
Maximum HSM Storage Space (Bytes):   33554432
Space In Use (Bytes):                0
Free Space Left (Bytes):             33554432
Environmental Information on HSM:
Battery Voltage:                     3.072 V
Battery Warning Threshold Voltage:   2.750 V
System Temp:                         35 deg. C
System Temp Warning Threshold:       75 deg. C
Command Result: 0 (Success)
HSM is not in a tamper state
lunash:>hsm show
Appliance Details:
Software Version:                   7.1.0-380
HSM Details:
HSM Label:                          lunasa7
Serial #:                           29089
Firmware:                           7.1.0
HSM Model:                          Luna K7
HSM Part Number: 		    808-000048-002
Authentication Method:              Password
HSM Admin login status:             Logged In
HSM Admin login attempts left:      3 before HSM zeroization!
RPV Initialized:                    No
Audit Role Initialized:             No
Remote Login Initialized:           No
Manually Zeroized:                  No
Secure Transport Mode:              No
HSM Tamper State:                   No tampers
Partitions created on HSM:
There are no partitions.
Number of partitions allowed:        100
Number of partitions created:        0
FIPS 140-2 Operation:
The HSM is NOT in FIPS 140-2 approved operation mode.
HSM Storage Information:
Maximum HSM Storage Space (Bytes):   33554432
Space In Use (Bytes):                0
Free Space Left (Bytes):             33554432
Environmental Information on HSM:
Battery Voltage:                     3.072 V
Battery Warning Threshold Voltage:   2.750 V
System Temp:                         35 deg. C
System Temp Warning Threshold:       75 deg. C
Command Result: 0 (Success)
HSM is experiencing a temperature or battery-voltage excursion
 lunash:>hsm show

   Appliance Details:
   Software Version:                7.1.0-380

   HSM Details:
   HSM Label:                          safenet
   Serial #:                           521173
   Firmware:                           7.1.0
   HSM Model:                          Luna K7
   HSM Part Number:                    808-000048-002
   Authentication Method:              Password
   HSM Admin login status:             Not Logged In
   HSM Admin login attempts left:      3 before HSM zeroization!
   RPV Initialized:                    No
   Audit Role Initialized:             Yes
   Remote Login Initialized:           No
   Manually Zeroized:                  No
   Secure Transport Mode:              No
   HSM Tamper State:                   No tamper(s)

   Partitions created on HSM:
   Partition:        1213450222959, Name: par1
   Partition:        1213450222963, Name: par2

   Number of partitions allowed:        100
   Number of partitions created:        2

   FIPS 140-2 Operation:
   The HSM is NOT in FIPS 140-2 approved operation mode.

   HSM Storage Information:
   Maximum HSM Storage Space (Bytes):   33554432
   Space In Use (Bytes):                671088
   Free Space Left (Bytes):             32883344

   Environmental Information on HSM:
   Fan 1 Status:                        standby
   Fan 2 Status:                        active
   Battery Voltage:                     2.072 V
   Battery Warning Threshold Voltage:   2.750 V
   WARNING: Battery Voltage below warning threshold!!
   System Temp:                         80 deg. C
   System Temp Warning Threshold:       75 deg. C
   WARNING: System Temperature above warning threshold!!

 Command Result : 0 (Success)