hsm ped select

When a PedServer has established a connection to this SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance in peer-to-peer mode, it could be one of many. Use this command to select one connected PedServer from the list to provide PED operations to the HSM.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:




hsm ped select [-host<hostname>] [-serial <serialnum>]

Option Shortcut Description
-host <hostname> -h The hostname of the PedServer that you are selecting, as shown in the output of the hsm ped show command. Required if multiple PedServers have established connections; optional if only one PedServer is available.
-serial <serialnum> -s

Specifies the serial number of the HSM that is to be served by PED operations. Optional unless more than one HSM is present.


lunash:>lunash:>hsm ped select -host WIN-1TFMAA8U4V7

Luna PED operation required to connect to Remote PED - use orange PED key(s).

Command Result : 0 (Success)