audit secret export

Export the audit logging secret to the user's local directory and log archive directory. This is the secret that can later be used to verify log files and log records produced by the HSM identified by the serial number provided with this command.

User Privileges

Only specialized Audit users can access audit commands.


audit secret export [-serial <serialnum>]

Option Shortcut Description
-serial <serialnum> -s

Specifies the serial number of the HSM whose logging secret you want to export. The default is to use the embedded HSM.


lunash:>audit secret export

The encrypted log secret file 66331.lws now available for scp.

Now that you have exported your log secret, if you wish to verify your logs
on another HSM see the 'audit secret import' command. If you wish to verify
your logs on another SA see the 'audit log tar' command.

Command Result : 0 (Success)