audit config

Set the configuration parameters for audit logging.

User Privileges

Only specialized Audit users can access audit commands.


audit config -parameter <parameter> -value <value> [-serial <serialnum>]


Shortcut Description
-parameter <parameter> -p

Specifies the type of parameter to set.

Valid values

The value enclosed in parentheses [n] indicates a shortcut:

>[e]vent - Include the list of events specified using the -value parameter in the log.

>[r]otation - Rotate the logs as specified by the -value parameter.

-serial <serialnum> -s

Reserved for future use.
Specifies the serial number of the HSM. This option allows the system to distinguish between two connected HSMs.

-value <value> -v
Event Values

If -parameter is set to event, this specifies a comma-separated list of events to include in the log.

Note: In addition to specifying an event category, you must also specify the conditions under which those events are to be logged - either f for failures, or s for successes, or both. See the examples.

Valid values

The value enclosed in parentheses [n] indicates a shortcut:

>[f]ailure: log command failures

>[s]uccess: log command successes

>[a]ccess: log access attempts (logins)

>[m]anage: log HSM management (init/reset/etc)

>[k]eymanage: key management events (key create/delete)

>asymmetri[c]: asymmetric key usage (sig/ver)

>fi[r]st: first asymmetric key usage only (sig/ver)

>s[y]mmetric: symmetric key usage (enc/dec)

>symf[i]rst: first symmetric key usage only (enc/dec)

>e[x]ternal: log messages from CA_LogExternal

>lo[g]manage: log events relating to log configuration

>a[l]l: log everything (user will be warned)

>[n]one: turn logging off

Rotation Values

If -parameter is set to rotation, this specifies the log rotation interval.

Valid values

The value enclosed in parentheses [] indicates a shortcut:







The following table provides some command usage examples:

Command Description
lunacm:> audit config -parameter event -value all
Log everything.
lunacm:> audit config -parameter event -value none
Log nothing.

lunacm:> audit config -parameter event -value failure
Log all command failures.
lunacm:> audit config -parameter event -value failure,success,asymmetric
Log all key usage requests, both success and failure.
lunacm:> audit config -parameter rotation -value daily
Rotate the log daily.