stcconfig clientderegister

Deregister a client's STC public key from a partition. You must be logged into the partition as the SO to use this command.

CAUTION!   Deregistering a client's public key disables the STC link to that client.

**WARNING**   If you delete the client identity for the partition SO, you will lose the partition. You can only recover by restoring the partition from a backup, with the help of the HSM SO.


stcconfig clientderegister -label <client_label> [-force]

Option Shortcut Description
-force -f Force the action without prompting for confirmation.
-label <client_label> -l A string used to identify the client being deregistered.


lunacm:> stcconfig clientderegister -label client2
Are you sure you want to deregister the client identity client2?
        Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now -> proceed
Successfully deregistered the client client2 from the current slot.
Command Result : No Error