stc tokeninit

Initialize an STC client identity token. You must run this command on a Windows client if you are initializing an eToken 7300 hard token.

Use the command stc tokenlist to list the available tokens and to determine whether the token has been initialized.

NOTE   Re-initializing a token deletes all information stored in the token (client identity and the list of all registered partition identities).


stc tokeninit -label <token_label> [-force]

Option Shortcut Description
-label <token_label> -l Specifies the label of the token.
-force -f Force the action without prompting.


Uninitialized token
lunacm:> stc tokeninit -label token1
Successfully initialized the client token.
Command Result : No Error
Previously initialized token
lunacm:> stc tokeninit -label token1
The client token token1 is already initialized with the following client identity:
Client Identity Name:          client1
Public Key SHA1 Hash:          d11c9d27884788332124d1417fffa07b8acd0c45
List of Registered Partitions:
 Partition Identity   Partition        Partition Public Key SHA1 Hash
 Label                Serial Number
 par0                 154438865321     440fe709d45ddab5833192d2ef2142a982019a7d
 par1                 154438865322     988d88995e4a336f0a6d0ecee5f91de09598725d
 par2                 154438865323     f4d50c439fe8159778e76c9efdde1cb1ee40dcc0
Re-initialization will delete the client identity and remove existing partition registrations.
        Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now ->proceed
Successfully initialized the client token.
Command Result : No Error