stc identitydelete

Delete a client identity from the STC identity token. This command, in conjunction with stc identitycreateallows you to re-generate the token identity key pair if required for security reasons (for example, if the token is comprmised), or for administrative reasons (for example, to perform a key rotation).

This command does the following, in the order specified:

1.Deletes the client identity public key in the partition.

2.Deletes each registered partition identity.

3.Deletes the client identity.

If any of the identities fail to be deleted, the command will report the failure but will continue to delete the client identity.

CAUTION!   Deleting the client identity results in the loss of all partitions registered to the client. Any applications using those partitions will experience a loss of service.


stc identitydelete [-force]

Option Shortcut Description
-force -f Force the action without prompting.


lunacm:> stc identitydelete
Are you sure you want to delete the client identity client1?
All the partition registrations will be lost. Any applications using this
client identity will subsequently be affected.
        Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now ->
Successfully deleted client identity client1.
Command Result : No Error