Create a Network Trust Link - One-Step Setup

In this section, we setup a network trust link (NTL) between a Luna Client and an application partition on a SafeNet Luna Network HSM using the clientconfig deploy command. We then register each with the other, enabling applications on a client computer to access the partition.

This procedure is performed by the HSM SO on the client computer. If you do not have physical access to the client, you must use the multi-step procedure and exchange the appliance and client's certificates by other secure means. See Create a Network Trust Link - Multi-step setup.

When you run the clientconfig deploy command, it performs the following actions:

1.Check conditions prior to running the command

check if the SafeNet Luna Network HSM is already registered on the client station

check appliance and client connectivity

check if the client is already registered on the appliance

check that the target partition has been created

2.Retrieve the HSM appliance's certificate.  

3.Register HSM appliance's certificate with the client.  

4.Create client's certificate, if one does not already exist.  

5.Export the client's .pem file to the SafeNet Luna Network HSM.  

6.Connect to the appliance, register the client, and assign the partition.  

7.Verify that the clientconfig deploy command has setup the NTLS connection successfully between the client and appliance.

During the process, if a failure is encountered, the command attempts to back out of the operation and clean-up, all the way back to the start of the operation.

NOTE   Secure Trusted Channel (STC) offers enhanced HSM-client message integrity, and an additional layer of protection for client-to-HSM communications, even over unsecured networks. To take advantage of this feature, see Creating an STC Link Between a Client and a Partition in the Configuration Guide. For more on the differences between NTLS and STC connections, see STC Overview in the Administration Guide.


The following prerequisite conditions must be in place:

On the SafeNet Luna Network HSM side

>The SafeNet Luna Network HSM's server.pem file must be available on the appliance (sysconf regencert command in LunaSH).  

>An application partition must exist on the HSM (use the partition create command in LunaSH - you did this in Create Application Partitions).

On the client side

Two files, pscp and plink (previously part of the Windows installation) are included on all platform installations to make the deploy option possible (see clientconfig deploy). Those files are 32-bit applications. For Linux 64-bit platforms only, ensure that glibc.i686 is installed.

NOTE   If you do not wish to install glibc.i686, you can use the multi-step NTL setup procedure in section Create a Network Trust Link - Multi-step setup.


1.On the client computer, where LunaHSMClient is installed, launch LunaCM.

2.In LunaCM, run the clientconfig deploy command:

clientconfig deploy -server <server_IP> -client <client_IP> -partition <partition_name> [-password <password>] [-user <username>]


On the SafeNet Luna Network HSM side
lunash:>partition list
                                                      Storage (bytes)
 Partition            Name                   Objects   Total    Used    Free
 154438865287         LunaPar1                     0  325896       0  325896
Command Result : 0 (Success)
On the client side
lunacm:> clientconfig deploy -server -client -partition LunaPar1
Please wait...
The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You have no 
guarantee that the server is the computer you think it is.
The server's rsa2 key fingerprint is:
ssh-rsa 2048 15:86:1d:82:d9:8f:e9:51:90:62:0d:f5:87:e5:89:a3
If you trust this host, enter "y" to add the key to
PuTTY's cache and carry on connecting.
If you want to carry on connecting just once, without
adding the key to the cache, enter "n".
If you do not trust this host, press Return to abandon the connection.
Store key in cache? (y/n) y
Using username "admin".
Please enter appliance admin role user's password:
Last login: Wed Mar 29 17:19:11 2017 from
Luna SA 7.0.0 Command Line Shell - Copyright (c) 2001-2017 SafeNet, Inc. All rights reserved.
New server successfully added to server list.
The following Luna SA Slots/Partitions were found:
Slot    Serial #                Label
====    ================        =====
   0        154438865287
Command Result : No Error


Go to Enable the Client to Access a Partition.