Removing Partitions

Only the HSM Security Officer can remove HSM partitions. When a partition is removed, it is cleared from the HSM and all of its contents are deleted.

This is in contrast to revoking a partition from a Client. When a partition's assignment is revoked using the LunaSH command client revokepartition, it still exists, but is no longer available to that Client. The partition and its contents could still be used by other Clients, or reassigned to the original Client. See client revokepartition in the LunaSH Command Reference Guide for correct syntax.

To remove a partition from the HSM:

1.Login to LunaSH as admin and list the existing HSM partitions.

partition list

lunash:>partition list
                                                      Storage (bytes)
 Partition            Name                   Objects   Total    Used    Free
 154438865287         myLunapar                    0  325896       0  325896
 154438865290         myLunapar2                   0  325896       0  325896
Command Result : 0 (Success)

2.Login to the HSM as HSM SO.

hsm login

3.Delete the partition by specifying its label.

partition delete -partition <label>

lunash:>partition delete -partition myLunapar2
CAUTION:  Are you sure you wish to delete the partition named:
          Type 'proceed' to delete the partition, or 'quit'
          to quit now.
          > proceed
'partition delete' successful.
Command Result : 0 (Success)