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LunaSH Command Reference Guide > LunaSH Commands > hsm > hsm ped vector erase

hsm ped vector erase

Erase a Remote PED vector (RPV) from the current HSM so that it can no longer establish a Remote PED connection with any workstation that has that RPV on an orange PED key.

Note:  To set up or erase a PED vector, or to make or break the Remote PED connection, on an HSM that is externally connected to the SafeNet Luna Network HSM, use the "-serial" option to specify the target HSM. If "-serial" is not specified, then the command acts on the SafeNet Luna Network HSM's internal HSM card.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:



hsm ped vector erase [-serial <serialnum>] [-force]

Option Shortcut Description
-force -f Force the action without prompting.
-serial <serialnum> -s Specifies the serial number of the remote PED for which you want to erase the remote PED vector.


lunash:>hsm ped vector erase
If you are sure that you wish to erase remote PED vector (RPV), then type 'proceed', otherwise type 'quit'
> proceed
The remote PED vector (RPV) has been erased on HSM.
Ped Client Version 2.0.1 (20001)
Ped Client launched in "Release ID" mode.
Callback Server is running..
ReleaseID command passed.
"Release ID" command passed.
Ped Client Version 2.0.1 (20001)
Ped Client launched in "Delete ID" mode.
Callback Server is running..
DeleteID command passed.
"Delete ID" command passed.
Command Result : 0 (Success)