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role recoveryinit

Initialize the current role for Recovery Login by creating an HA RSA key pair. This command applies to SafeNet Luna PCIe HSM or SafeNet Luna USB HSM. Does not apply to SafeNet Luna Network HSM partitions that appear in LunaCM via NTLS or STC channel.

See also CKDemo The HIGH AVAILABILITY RECOVERY Menu Functions.


role recoveryinit [-plabel <string>] [-rlabel <string>] [-keyhandle <number>] [-force]

Option Shortcut Description
-plabel <string> -pl RSA Public key label.
-rlabel <string> -rl RSA Private key label.
-keyhandle <number> -kh RSA Private key handle (optional).
-force -f Force action (useful for scripting).


lunacm:>role recoveryinit -plabel SOpub -rlabel SOpriv
        Generating RSA Key pair for Recovery Init...
        'SO' in slot 103 has been Recovery Initialized
        with key handle 37.
Command Result : No Error