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partition archive list

Display a list of the backup partitions on a backup device in a specified slot.


If backup device is a slot in the current system:

partition archive list -slot <backup_slot> [-debug]

If backup device is in a remote workstation:

partition archive list -slot remote -hostname <hostname> -port <portnumber> [-commandtimeout <seconds>] [-debug]

If backup device is a USB-attached device:

partition archive list -slot direct [-slot <backup_slot>] [-debug]

Option Shortcut Description
-commandtimeout <seconds> -ct The command timeout for network communication. The default timeout is 10 seconds. The maximum timeout is 3600. This option can be used to adjust the timeout value to account for network latency. (optional)
-debug -de Turn on additional error information. (optional)
-hostname <hostname> -ho Host name of remote workstation running remote backup server. (required when -s remote is used)
-port <portnumber> -po Port number for remote backup server on remote workstation. (required when -s remote is used)
-slot <see description> -s

Target slot containing the backup device. It can be specified by any of the following:

<slot number>, if the backup slot is in the current system.

remote -hostname <host name> -port <port number> if the backup device is in a remote work station.

direct to specify a USB attached backup device. If you know the slot number that contains the USB attached HSM, you can specify that slot number explicitly (for example, -s 5)


lunacm:> partition archive list -slot 2
        HSM Storage Information for slot 2:
           Total HSM Storage Space: 16252928
           Used HSM Storage Space:  26432
           Free HSM Storage Space:  16226496
           Allowed Partitions:      20
           Number Of Partitions:    2
        Partition list for slot 2
           Number of partition: 2
           Name:                      sa78backup
           Total Storage Size:        9480
           Used Storage Size:         9348
           Free Storage Size:         132
           Number Of Objects:         6
           Name:                      sa40backup
           Total Storage Size:        12640
           Used Storage Size:         12464
           Free Storage Size:         176
           Number Of Objects:         8
Command Result : No Error