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Relinquishing Remote PED

The PED Server utility continues to run until explicitly stopped.

On the HSM end, PED Client (launched by the hsm ped connect command) continues to run until you explicitly stop with the hsm ped disconnect command, or the link is broken. At any time, you can run the command in show mode to see what state it is in.

If you physically disconnect the Remote PED from its host, the link between PED Client and PED Server is dropped.

If the network connection is disrupted, or if your VPN closes, the link between PED Client and PED Server is dropped.

If you attempt to change menus on the Remote PED, the PED warns you:

If you persist, the link between PED Client and PED Server is dropped.

If the "IdleConnectionTimeoutSeconds" is reached, the link between PED Client and PED Server is dropped. The default is 1800 seconds, or 30 minutes. You can modify the default value with the -idletimeout option.

Any time the link is dropped, as long as the network connection is intact (or is resumed), you can restart PED Client and PED Server to reestablish the Remote PED link. In a stable network situation, the link should remain available until timeout.