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Utilities Reference Guide > CKdemo > The OBJECT MANAGEMENT Menu Functions


The OBJECT MANAGEMENT menu provides the following functions:

(20) Create Object

This option allows you to create objects on the token. You can use this option to create data or certificate objects on the token. You are presented with a default template for your new object that you can change or choose to accept as default.

Note:  Key generation is not done with this option, instead you should use option #45 - Generate Key

(21)  Copy Object

This option allows you to make a copy of a token object and allows you to add/remove/change attributes of the object as you copy it.

(22) Destroy Object

This option allows you to permanently delete a token object from the token.

(23) Object Size

This option asks you for an object handle and returns the total size of the object (how much memory it is occupying on the token).

(24) Get Attribute

This option asks you for an object handle and returns the attributes of that object.

(25) Set Attribute

This option allows you to change the value of an attribute on an object that already exists on the token.

(26) Find Objects

This option searches the token for objects that are available to you as the User or the SO (depending on which identity you used to log in). You specify a type (such as Data Objects, various Key objects, Certificate Objects, etc.). Option (#6) shows all the objects on the token.

(27) Display Object

This option shows all the attributes and associated values for an object on the token (if that object is available to you).

Note:  If a key is sensitive, it contains an attribute called CKA_VALUE but this attribute is not displayed because the token does not allow this information to be exported.

(30) Modify Usage Count

This option allows you to increment the current value, or specify a new value, for an object's usage counter. You are prompted for the object handle and whether you want to increment or reset the usage counter for the specified object.

(31) Destroy Multiple Objects

This option allows you to permanently delete multiple token objects from the selected token.

(32) Extract Public Key

This option allows you to specify a public key to extract from the HSM. The key is saved as publickey.bin in the current directory, overwriting any existing publickey.bin file.

Note:  The Extractable attribute must be set to 1 (On) in order for a public key to be extracted from the HSM.